In 2019 our award-winning La Floraliere became a part of a fantastic collection of fabulous gemstones, amazing mineral specimens and award-winning jewelry known as Somewhere In The Rainbow (SITR). A private collection assembled over more than a decade, this treasure trove is now on display at the University of Arizona’s new Alfie Norville Gem and Mineral Museum in Tucson, Arizona.

This February, Jack and I attended the annual Tucson Gem and Mineral show where the highlight for us was visiting the museum. We were met there by the lovely Shelly Sargent, the collection manager of SITR, whose enthusiasm for and knowledge of gem and jewelry artists is amazing. There was the obligatory photo-op of me and La Floraliere, like a proud parent, and a tour of some of the most spectacular works to inspire and awe. The wood fairy is in good company.

The museum is located in downtown Tucson in the historic Pima County Courthouse. It is open Wednesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm.